Carrot Bread

This is one of my go-to recipes when I need to quickly whip something up for the family. It makes a great tea-time snack, especially if you have a bunch of hungry kids who're ready to gobble up anything in their way!


½ cup plain flour
½ cup wholemeal flour (wheat flour)
½ cup white sugar
¼ cup brown sugar
½ cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
2 cups grated carrots
⅓ cup raisins
¾ tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla


In a large mixing bowl, mix the flours, sugars, salt, cinnamon, baking powder, and baking soda.

Add the eggs, oil, and vanilla and mix well until thoroughly blended (Use a blender or blend manually. I usually blend manually using a balloon whisk).

Stir in the carrots and raisins.

Microwave for 6 minutes. Insert a wooden pick in the center to check if it is thoroughly cooked.

Microwave further (if necessary) for 2-8 minutes until the wooden pick comes out clean when inserted.

Tip: In the name of making this a little healthier, I tried replacing the plain flour with wholemeal flour, and the white sugar with brown. It turned out just as yummy!


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