Saudi Arabian Champagne

This is one of my favourite drinks my mom used to put together for special occasions that I enjoyed while growing up in Saudi Arabia. We still make this at home every time there's a birthday or some other occasion. 


4 cups apple juice
2 cups 7-up/Sprite
Juice of one lemon
Cored and sliced apple rings (with the skin)
Orange slices (with the skin)
Mint leaves

Alternate Combination:

4 cups apple juice
1 cup 7-up/Sprite
1 cup non-alcoholic beer
Juice of one lemon
Cored and sliced apple rings (with the skin)
Orange slices (with the skin)
Mint leaves


Mix all the drinks in a large water jug.

Pop in the orange and apple slices.

Add the mint leaves and give it a stir.

Serve cold.

Tip#1: If you're up for more fizz, feel free to use Appy Fizz instead of apple juice.

Tip#2: Swap the non-alcoholic beer for some regular beer to turn this mocktail into a cocktail! But then you wouldn't be able to call it Saudi Arabian! 😉


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