Upside Down Pineapple Cake

This cake was the first cake I tried out all on my own. If you need something beyond plain cake and are too lazy or have no time to put effort into the icing, this is the cake to try out! I used my mom's basic butter cake recipe for the cake.



1 cup flour
1 cup butter
1 cup caster sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence


1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter
Pineapple slices/rings
Cherries (Optional)


In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs with the vanilla essence until light and fluffy.

In a separate bowl, cream the butter and caster sugar. Sift the caster sugar first to ensure there are no lumps. I usually leave the butter out at room temperature for about 4-6 hrs so that it mixes well with the sugar. 

Add the butter-cream mixture to the fluffy eggs and beat until just mixed.

Sift the flour and baking powder together. Fold the mixture into the egg-butter-sugar mixture until thoroughly mixed (Do not over-mix).

For the topping, mix the butter and brown sugar. Spread the mixture evenly along the base and along the sides of an 8-inch-diameter pan, about an inch from the bottom.

Arrange the pineapple slices and the cherries.

Pour the cake batter into the baking pan, over the pineapple slices and bake at 360 degrees F or gas mark 4 for 35-45 min. A wooden pick inserted into the cake would come out clean when it is ready.

Let the cake cool down for 5-10 minutes and then turn it out onto a plate.

Tip: I tried this as an upside-down dates cake version, and it turned out just as good. However, note that dates aren't as juicy as pineapples, so texture-wise, there is definitely a difference. I'm guessing this cake should be easy to pull off using any fruit, but you never know until you try it out! 😋


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