Mango Trifle

Who doesn't love a good Fruit Trifle? Especially if it's made from the king of all tropical fruits - MANGOES 😍! Here's my version of the best tropical Fruit Trifle ever. Yes. Ever! 


Cake (Mango flavored)
Fresh diced mangoes
Whipped cream
Mango pulp

Jelly Layer:

Jelly Mix (Mango flavored)
a little less than 2 cups water
3 tbsp sugar

Custard Layer:

Custard Mix (Mango flavored)
a little less than 2 cups milk
3 tbsp sugar


Layer an 8-inch-diameter glass bowl with the cake. I baked the cake using my mom's basic butter cake recipe and mixing in about 1/2 cup of mango pulp to the batter just before baking. 

Prepare the jelly, following instructions on the packaging. Add the sugar and mix till the sugar has dissolved. Set aside to cool.

Line the top of the cake with the diced mangoes and drizzle a little mango pulp over the mangoes (do not add too much pulp).

Once the jelly has cooled down a bit and has begun to set, transfer to the glass bowl, on top of the diced mangoes. Refrigerate.

In a saucepan, boil the milk and sugar and prepare the custard following the instructions on the Custard Mix packaging. Set aside to cool (do not allow to set).

Once the jelly has set and the custard has cooled down, carefully pour the custard over the jelly in an even layer. Refrigerate.

Once the custard layer has set, top it off with a layer of whipped cream and garnish with more diced mangoes and pulp.

For the picture above, I just topped it off with mango jelly cubes.

Tip: Ensure to use lesser liquid than the recommended quantity while preparing the jelly and the custard so that the layers set well. Otherwise, they will not stay firm while cutting and serving.


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