Rainbow Jelly

This was a little experiment I decided to try out with a couple of flavours of jelly. It was December, I was 7-months-pregnant, and we were going to have our Christmas lunch at my aunt's place. It was quite hot for December (or was it just the pregnant me?!?), and I couldn't help but fantasize about how refreshing it would be to have some jelly and ice cream for dessert. But it's Christmas, and we couldn't just have regular jelly, right? It had to be special. And that's how this idea hit me...


Jelly Mix (5 different flavours. I used grape, raspberry, strawberry, orange and lemon)
a little less than 2 cups water per flavour
3 tbsp sugar per flavour


Based on the order required, prepare the first flavour following the instructions in the packaging. Add the sugar and stir till the sugar has dissolved. Let it cool (but do not allow to set).

Pour into a glass bowl (large enough to accommodate all the different layers) and refrigerate.

Prepare the second flavour, and let it cool. Once it has cooled and is ready to set, and the jelly in the glass bowl has set and chilled, carefully pour the second flavour on top of the first and refrigerate again.

Repeat this process for each of the flavours and chill the mixture for at least 2 hrs when it's done. This timing may vary based on the brand of jelly used.

To turn out into a plate, dip the bowl in a pan of hot water to loosen the edges and carefully turn out.

If not, carefully cut into cubes and serve with vanilla ice cream.

Tip: Lightly grease the glass bowl with some oil before pouring in the jelly mixture. This will make it easier to turn out into a plate.


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