Badam (Almond) Burfi


Here's Burfi #3 from my mom's cookbook. Needs very few ingredients but a little bit of prep-time to soak the almonds. Easily doable in under an hour. 


2 cups almonds
2 cups butter
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk


Soak the almonds in water overnight.

Once well-soaked, peel the almonds and discard the skin.

Blitz the almonds and sugar in a mixie or blender, adding a little milk at a time, till creamy.

Transfer to a non-stick pan on medium heat and stir.

Add 50g of the butter, and keep stirring till the butter has melted and has been absorbed by the mixture.

Add another 50g and stir, repeating the process till all the butter has been incorporated.

Keep stirring till the mixture thickens.

The Burfi is ready when the mixture stops sticking to the sides of the pan, lightens in color and changes to a honeycomb-like texture.

Transfer to a greased pan and cut into pieces.


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