Banana Stew

Banana stew is a sweet traditional Kerala dish made from plantain bananas and coconut milk. It can be served as a soup/stew on its own or a sauce for the traditional puttu. Puttu and banana stew make a great combination for breakfast (one of my favorite traditional breakfasts!), and this recipe is definitely worth a try.


1 cup thick coconut milk (first extract)
2 cups dilute coconut milk (second extract)
4 tbsp sugar (can add more if needed)
1 tsp rice flour (optional)
1 pinch cardamom powder (or 3-4 whole cardamoms)
2 pinches dry ginger powder
a pinch of salt
2 large plantain bananas


Boil the diluted coconut milk in a large saucepan.

Add the sugar and salt.

Slice the bananas and add to the boiling coconut milk.

Let it boil for a couple of minutes till the bananas are cooked and have softened.

Add the thick coconut milk and let the mixture boil for about a minute.

Add the cardamom and dry ginger powders, and mix.

If adding rice flour, mix the rice flour in a little water and stir into the boiling mixture right before turning the heat off. The stew will thicken, adding a richer taste and texture.

Turn off the heat and allow to sit for a couple of minutes.

Serve warm, with some freshly made puttu or plain.


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