Kai Suthu Murukku

It's been a while since I dug into my mom's cookbook for recipes to try out, so I decided to look up and try out some of the traditional snacks and picked the Kai Suthu Murukku (Translated as the 'hand-twisted murukku') for this weekend. I have to admit that my mom did most of the work and I was just a curious observer, but I did give the 'suthu' a shot and failed miserably 🙈. This is one recipe for the brave hearts out there, so do give it a shot if you dare and let me know how it turns out!


4 cups rice
1 cup roasted urud dal (ulunthu)
1/2-3/4 cup water
2 tsp black sesame seeds
2 tsp cumin seeds
2 tsp ghee
2 tsp salt
oil for frying


Soak the rice in water (for about two hours).

Roast the urud dal in a kadai or wok over medium flame for around 3-4 minutes, till it turns light brown.

Powder the dal in a mixie blender and sieve it to get a fine flour.

Take the soaked rice, drain it and blend into a smooth paste in a mixie blender using just enough water to get the rice running smoothly. You should be able to pour it out.

Pour the rice mixture onto a sieve to get a fine flour-water mixture without any of the gritty bits.

Discard the residue, and mix in the dal flour, cumin seeds, sesame seeds, ghee and salt, till the dough texture is soft but firm (similar to the one in the picture below).

If your dough becomes to hard, add a little water. If your dough is too watery, you can add a little more rice flour or dal flour or a mixture of both.

Now comes the tricky part. 

Spread out a moist towel (soak in water and then squeeze out the water) on your kitchen counter. It is important that the towel is moist so that the murukku dough doesn't dry out once you've made the murukkus and they are ready to fry.

Take a ball of dough (size that fits into the palm of your loosely closed fist). Dip your fingers into some oil, and work the dough by twisting it off the ball into a narrow strip. Position the strip into a spiral as you keep twisting the dough off the dough ball, till you have the shape of a murukku.

Deep fry in oil over a high flame, till they are golden brown.

Drain over paper towels and store in an airtight container, for up to 2 weeks.


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