Cheese Cake

We've all heard of and are familiar with Cheesecakes these days, but imagine my surprise when I found the recipe for a 'Cheese Cake' (yup, not 'Cheesecake') in my mom's cookbook. I just had to try it out! So here's the unbelievably simple recipe for all you cheese lovers out there!


1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup cream cheese
1/2 cup butter
1 tin condensed milk
1 tsp baking powder
3 eggs


Cream the cream cheese till smooth and light.

Add the eggs and beat till well combined.

Separately cream the butter till light and fluffy. Add to the egg-cheese mixture, along with the condensed milk, and beat till well combined.

Sift the flour and baking powder together and add to the batter. Beat the mixture together till just combined.

Pour into an 8-inch baking pan and bake at 360 degrees Fahrenheit or gas mark 4 for about 50 minutes.

The cake is ready when a wooden pick inserted comes out clean.

This recipe also works well using cheddar cheese, the procedure would just vary slightly till the step where we add the flour. You'd have to beat the eggs, cream the butter, combine the two along with the condensed milk, add the grated cheddar and beat till well combined before adding the flour and baking powder.

Tip: This recipe makes an amazing batch of cupcakes!


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