Jackfruit Halwa

There are a million wonderful things you can do with jackfruit, and a jackfruit halwa is one of the best. Especially if you're a jackfruit lover! If it's jackfruit season and you've got a ton of jackfruit, this recipe is a must-try!

Ingredients (makes about 1.5 kg of halwa):

6 cups jackfruit pulp (blend some chopped jackfruit in a blender with a little water)
1 cup coconut milk
4 cups brown sugar
3/4-1 cup ghee
3 tbsp corn flour dissolved in 1 cup water
1 1/2 tsp cardamom powder
1/4 cup cashews


Dissolve the brown sugar in about 3/4 cup of water and bring to a boil. Run through a sieve to remove impurities.

Fry the cashews in some ghee and keep aside.

In a large nonstick pot over high flame, add the jackfruit pulp with the corn syrup and cardamom powder and mix well.

Add the brown sugar syrup and continue stirring, till the mixture begins to thicken.

Add the coconut milk and keep stirring till well combined.

Add a tablespoon of ghee and continue stirring till all the ghee has been absorbed.

Add the fried cashews.

Add some more ghee and continue the process till the halwa is done.

The halwa is ready when it can be cut and separated with the ladle, and does not stick to the ladle. If the halwa sticks to your teeth when you chew on it, it is not ready yet. Add some more ghee and keep stirring till the right texture and consistency is reached. 

Transfer to a greased pan, flatten and allow to set.

Cut into pieces when set and serve.


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