Tapioca Puttu


So this is a variation of the traditional South Indian breakfast "Puttu". Puttu is basically a steamed log of rice flour and grated coconut, but in this preparation, grated tapioca is used instead of rice flour. In terms of utensils, you would need what we call in Tamil a "Puttu Kalayam", which is basically a pot at the bottom to boil water, and a cylindrical vessel on top of it that is used to steam the puttu log. The rest, for all you South Indian folk out there, is easy-peasy, if you're used to making puttu often. But if you're like me, trying out these traditional recipes once in a blue moon, this may take a little extra effort 😉. Nonetheless, it is absolutely worth a try!


250g tapioca, grated
1/2 coconut, grated
150g Jaggery (Sakara), grated
Salt, to taste


Sprinkle some salt on the grated tapioca and mix well.

Put about 3 tablespoons of the grated tapioca into the puttu kalayam, followed by about 1 tablespoon of coconut and about 2 tablespoons of jaggery. 

Repeat till the puttu kalayam is full.

Steam until cooked, for about 3-5 minutes.


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