Jello Poke Cake

I was looking for variations of cakes without any cream or frosting and found a recipe for this cake that I thought was interesting and would taste good at the same time. It's a very simple recipe if you've got your basic cake sorted, and is a very refreshing dessert as well that tastes amazing when paired with fresh cream, ice cream, or custard!


1 cup flour
1 cup butter
1 cup caster sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 packets of jelly mix 
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup water


Bake the cake per the instructions in my basic butter cake recipe.

Allow the cake to cool (Just loosen the cake from the baking pan but do not remove it from the pan).

Prepare the jelly mix per the instructions on the packet.

Poke holes into the cake using skewers or straws (If using skewers, swivel them a little while poking to make the holes wider).

Make the sugar syrup by dissolving the 1/4 cup of sugar in the 1/2 cup of water.

Coat the cake in the sugar syrup till it is well-soaked.

When the jelly just begins to set, pour it over the cake (There should be enough jelly mix to cover the cake in at least a 1-centimeter-thick layer).

Refrigerate and allow the jelly to set.

Once the jelly is set, cut into serving-sized pieces and serve with ice cream, fresh cream or custard.


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