Simple Egg Pudding


Egg Pudding has always been a regular dessert at our house. My mom and grandma both claim this is a very 'healthy' and 'rich' dessert that's good for growing children, which I believe is more due to the use of eggs and milk (No one was counting calories back in those days!). Either way, this is very simple to make and tastes great at the same time. It's definitely a simple dessert that you can easily whip up in under 30 minutes if you disregard the refrigeration (Tastes great if you like it warm, too!).


2 cups full-fat milk
2 eggs
4 tbsp sugar
2 tsp vanilla essence


Beat the eggs till light and fluffy.

Add the milk, vanilla essence, and sugar, and beat again till the sugar has dissolved and everything is well combined.

Pour into a metal dish and steam covered for about 12-15 minutes, placing the dish in a large pot.

Alternatively, you can also pour the mix into a 6-inch casserole dish and cook in the microwave for about 12-15 minutes. Note that in the microwave, the pudding texture comes out slightly curdled although the taste remains the same.

The pudding is cooked when the mixture thickens and looks set.

Can be served warm.

If you like your desserts cold, allow to cool and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Tip #1: You can also use cardamom powder instead of vanilla essence for a more traditional flavor.

Tip #2: In the absence of full-fat milk, you can also use regular milk and add a couple of tablespoons of milk powder to make it richer.


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