Baked Beef Steak


There is nothing that matches the taste of properly baked beef steak with peas. This simple recipe makes a great dish for a fulfilling dinner, especially when paired with mashed potatoes.


1 kg beef
2 cups peas
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 cup red wine (I used spiced red wine)
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp crushed garlic
1 1/2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp pepper
1 tbsp chili flakes
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp oregano seasoning (I used the ones we get with pizza takeaways)
1 tsp chili powder
1 medium onion, puréed
1-2 tbsp olive oil, more to drizzle while baking
3 tbsp coriander leaves, finely chopped


Cut the beef into strips/slices that are about 1 cm thin. Be sure to cut against the grains. This helps to make the meat soft.

Tenderize the meat using a meat tenderizer. Alternatively, you can also use a clean hammer or any other heavy but blunt tool.

Mix up all the ingredients for the marinade.

Pour the marinade over the cut beef. Allow the meat to marinate overnight (Leave it out for about an hour or 2 and then put it into the fridge).

When ready to bake, take the meat out and leave it at room temperature for about half to one hour. 

Add the peas to the meat-marinade mixture and mix it up again.

Arrange the meat in a large baking pan, flat side down. It's ok if they're all crowded together without overlapping, as the meat will shrink as it cooks.

Pour the marinade and peas over the beef and spread it around. 

Drizzle some olive oil over the meat.

Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit or gas mark 5 for about 15-20 minutes, till the tops of the steaks have browned.

Flip all the steaks over and bake again for about 15-20 minutes, till the tops of the steaks have browned again.

Prick with a fork to confirm that the meat is cooked. If not, give it a couple of more minutes depending on how cooked you like your meat (I like mine well done).

Take out of the oven, transfer to a serving dish and garnish with chopped coriander leaves.


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